Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cheap Cold Air Intake!

So I notice that I have a tendency to only write about sad, morbid crap that goes on in life. It's common for people only to act when there is a problem, but oftentimes we get so caught up in the whole "solve-the-problem-so-everything-can-be-perfect" thing that we forget to remember all the good things in life. So how about an update on my car?

OCT2009: Conversion to Cold Air Intake

Finally made the jump to a full-on Cold Air Intake. Sure it's just PVC piping, but it's not like anyone makes CARB-tested aftermarket cold air intakes for the Camry. It was either this, or chop up a cold air intake from a Civic, so I went with this. Big ups to JCamry94 of for providing the piping!

From the front bumper:

N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry

In the engine bay:

N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry

N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry

Past the battery, under the fuseboxes, and through the car's chassi:

N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry

And out into the front-left wheel well, which closed up quite nicely:

N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry

I made it a point to add screws to sections of the piping that tended to disconnect easily (the two connectors on the opposite ends of the straight pipe), and to make sure the air intake temperature sensor was secure:

N35QU1Ks 1992 Toyota Camry

A re-bent paper clip to give the duct tape more surface area to help hold the sensor in.

PVC Cold Air Intake Sound Test: VIDEO

Call it ricer, call it whatever you want; this setup is perfectly functional, reliable, and cheap!

-nesqu!k 'TIZ'

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