It's difficult to say exactly what's going on right now. Everything has suddenly slowed down. You kind of just become overwhelmed with all of these things that happen to control so many important aspects of your life, and as much as we hope to influence those controlling forces, it's something that we may never achieve. The wrong people are in power. They're useless. They can't even take responsibility for the actions of the people they are in charge of. They pay attention to all the wrong things, or they simply ignore the fact that there is a problem. And as a result, we get nowhere. We make no progress. We scream and scream at the top of our lungs, but our screams fall on deaf ears. Our cries are desperate. While they may be heard they are never followed. We are inconsolable because they have rendered us so; they refuse to take action on our part, despite the fact that it is their responsibility to do so.
Our leaders, they're all useless. They refuse to be held accountable. They're all too scared. They know that what we fight for is right, yet they refuse to fight with us. We want so dearly to believe that they are on our side, but they aren't. I can only hope that somewhere, underneath their bureaucratic shells, that they truly want only the best for us, but apparently they answer to a higher power than the common people. They're afraid of us tearing them apart from the bottom, and at the same time afraid of those at the top who will chop their heads off in an instant if they find it necessary.
It's so easy to feel powerless in this type of situation, and for this very reason, I feel powerless against them. It even feels as though, even as a group, we are powerless. The power elite theory is our sad reality. The powerful few hold all the keys to our future well being and it seems they have made it their life mission to never open the door for us. And now they're locking another door right in front of us.
Unless we figure out a way to get the right people in the right places, we will never achieve change. We've got the wrong people doing jobs that should benefit the public good, yet they choose to perpetuate this oppressive state, where the common person's voice is either ignored, or robbed from them altogether.
Apparently, what we're doing right now clearly isn't enough. It simply isn't radical enough. As much as those before us have advocated for peaceful protest, peaceful protest certainly has its limits. It takes patience, and oftentimes the patience never pays off. This country belongs to it's people, yet when one man cries war, he sends them to die by the score. And oftentimes all we engage in is peaceful protest as they engage in violent regulation. We stand peacefully in line as the firing squad unloads. What's the point of having an idea, a philosophy, a belief if there's no one left to speak it?
There comes a point when we need to fight back. We need to show them that we aren't fucking around when it comes to our lives, our future. The United States didn't gain it's independence through peaceful protest. France didn't oust its oppressive rulers through peaceful protest. The people regained their rights as the common people with war, violence, and massive bloodshed. I can only pray that it doesn't eventually come to this, but if it comes down to it, we need to throw down everything we've got. We have to show them how much this really means to us, how important it is to us, and show them that we are willing to fight for it with our hearts, our minds, and our lives.
As animalistic as it all is, this is how the world works. This is how it's been for billions of years. It may change shape, or put on a new mask as the times change, but this is how it's always been. Natural selection. Survival of the fittest. We all have the capacity to fight back, to oppress the oppressors. Clearly we are the stronger ones, but somehow they have managed to contain us. They hold the strings, and we are the puppets.
I am close to simply losing all faith for the common people. We are being contained, and we need to break out. Once these bureaucrats realize how powerless they really are, they'll be running scared. They will re-realize the basic ideas of democracy, the idea that it is the people who are in charge, not them and their money-mongering, anti-social governance.
I imagine those who attempt to read this will not understand it, because I know these radical beliefs are probably far too disorganized to make sense. But if there's anyone out there that gets any of this, please, please, please tell me I'm not alone and that we have a chance to take back what's ours and make things right.
such a dramaturgical fool.
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