Anyways, back to the point: I looked in my coinbox and noticed I had a lot of pennies, so I decided I'd try and figure out a way to organize them into more easily countable clusters.

Originally I was just gonna do it with some scotch tape, but then as I passed the kitchen table I noticed these:

Post-it index cards. Perfect.
I collected several stacks of 25 pennies each

You need to start small first, otherwise you'll run into trouble.

Once youve got 5 stacks of 5, you can combine them to make a single 25 stack.

Once you've got that done, you can grab an index post-it,

Fold it in half

Rip it in half, and label the sticky edge

Grab one of the halves, and proceed to roll up the pennies in it.

For the first few tries, this will probably happen to you:

Put too much pressure on the pennies and the wrong angles, and they'll explode into a neat spread, hopefully not making too much of a mess.
You need to be able to hold the edges and wrap the paper around it at the same time, like so:

Once you've got that done, you can fold the edges in to keep the coins secure. You should have 3 folds total, each one engulfing and sealing the cracks left by the previous one.

Before you know it, you'll have a neat little bundle, equal in value to a quarter, but fatter.

I eventually ended up doing this with my other coins as well; turns out I've collected a little over $5 worth of quarters!

A few dollars worth of nickels as well

After I decided I had done enough organization, I dumped my little wraps back into my change can...

And put the remaining change back into my car's coinbox (visible in the background).

On a side note, I'm sitting here blogging in Bainer, and realize that Dean (my RA from last year) has been sitting next to me having a meeting for Civil Engineering this whole time.
