This one's for the Asian Pacific Culture Week event, on April 24, 2009. Hey, Benson was even the one who designed the flyers for the event:

Yesterday I met with Benson and DKwan to begin the planning process. We had about a week to one-up ourselves once again.

After discussing the basic template for some two-and-a-half hours at the ARC Starbucks, I figured we were done today, only to get a call later that evening from Benson so we could meet to add some input to the refinements he'd made through the afternoon while consulting outside parties. At 10pm that evening.
While we did quite a bit to streamline transitions and add other little bits and pieces to further perfect our template, we eventually broke into several little creativity activities, thanks to our combined short attention spans...
Benson: "Alright, three index cards each. Draw 9 circles on each of the cards. Now fill in each circle with an image that would fit it well. 5 minutes, GO!"

Needless to say we came up with some interesting stuff. For me, it was:

Clock, happy face, tongue face, apple/bomb, tennisball, iPod, zeeb head, Cinnabon, 6-spoke rims..

A complicated crosshair, crude Honda logo, a crude drawing of my 5-spoke rims, simple crosshair, a rolling pin, and Toyota logo... and that was all I could come up with in the alotted time.
Benson, on the other hand:

Happy face person (reminds me of his roommate, Kevin), sun, [don't remember], a porthole view of mountains, an eyeball, a sleeping person, an apple, a revolver, a skateboard...

bicycle, zeeb head, Oreo, piglet, open mouth, earth, Billy (note the iconic sideburns), and a penny.
That exercise was supposed to get our creative juices floating, since we had hit super creator's block.
After seeing my drawing of an apple that also looked like a bomb, Benson glanced at his own laptop, and decided it was time to cover up this sticker:

And we further descended into arts-and-crafts activities.
We decided to take a standard giant Zeeb head,

Cut it out, and add a shatter effect to some of the edges.

We used the edges to create a background for the zebra to contrast off of, and it pretty much came out like this:

Yeah, we enjoyed ourselves quite a bit.

We decided we were finished "working" as the clock struck 12:15am xD
you and rasikh were nesikh!