Wednesday, our last full day on the islands :( Lucky for us, today, was our chill-with-no-plans day, so we made good use of it.
One thing I forgot to mention about the previous day: Tuesday night, I finally cracked and bought the 24hr internet package for $13 (internet should be free in the first place, dammit). After three days without internet access, I logged into my Gmail to find this:

47 unread emails. Those of you who know what I'm like, you know I like to keep my inbox nice and tidy, with zero unread emails (because i read them as soon as I see them pop up), so a number this high is pretty unusual. It was at that time that I uploaded the bulk of my pictures from the trip, and wrote the blog on the day 1 of the trip. Alright, moving on...
Wednesday we were up at 10am, and we went to our hotel's pool area, where we swam, sat around, sunbathed a little, and hung out in the super-hot spa. After a little while, we decided to head back out to the beach.

Plenty of people out today.
Most people build sand castles when they go to the beach, but Xavi decided he wanted to switch it up a bit, so...

He decided to build a sand pyramid. Unfortunately he only had one slave (Riz, haha), and he would soon find the tide working against him.

Xavi, I told you you should have scooted it back more.

Not to mention this pyramid only had three sides.

"Alright, I get it. Kuya..."

Using the remains of the three-sided pyramid, which had just been overcome by the water, we decided to build another one, scooted a little further back, and with four sides this time.

But this one unfortunately succumbed to the tide as well

Womp, womp, womp...

We skim boarded with the boogie board a bit more that day as well, and at one point we decided to head past the main barrier and out to the open sea to try some actual boogie boarding.

Out past that wall of rocks. We weren't aware, however, that it was pretty rocky out there, save for a 6-foot wide path of sand. Xavi and I managed to get some pretty deep cuts on our feet, unfortunately. It was a bit of a pain to walk for a while, but the wounds are all healed up now, so it's all good. Needless to say, our day at the beach was cut relatively short.
After we got a few hours in at the beach, we headed back to the hotel to wash up and go back to the mall that we went to the first day I arrived.

We mainly just got lunch: Japanese BBQ, Jamba Juice, and some Cinnabon for tomorrow morning. Did plenty of walking around, and spotted a familiar outfit

Beyonce's out fit for "Single Ladies", anyone? haha

Before we left at around 7pm, I headed to the nearby Barnes and Noble to pick up the Opihi Picker's Greatest Hits CD. If you don't know who the Opihi Pickers are, you should definitely check them out: they're my favorite Hawaii-based band. My favorite song from them:"Our Love Is Divine"
Fashooo. They've got plenty of other great songs as well, which is why I bought that CD :)
After that we headed back to the hotel, and walked back out to the International Marketplace, where I bought that ukulele a few nights ago.

We bought a whole bunch of t-shirts for cheap; plenty of shops had a 4-shirts-for-$19.99 deal going on.
Xavi lived his dream and got an airbrush temp-tattoo

Hella dope.
After we got all out shopping done, it was back to the hotel to start packing, as we'd be flying back home the next day.

I was missing Hawaii already :(
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