Feb24: Rehearsal, rehearsal

Business as usual with TIZ. Fashion show coming up this weekend, featuring...

BENSON BEATBOXING!?!? You'll have to come watch to find out ;)
Hard at work trying to come up with good songs for the show

Kevin practicing his Chinese Yoyo skills...

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Feb25: Christine M.'s birthday
Stopped by her place to say whatupp, chill, and wish her a happy birthday

T.Chan and Sarah stopped by as well

Carolyn enjoyed her self-prepared full meal

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That weekend it was back home for Riz's 11th birthday party on Saturday Feb28...

Lots of little kids over

Plenty of food

Even got a jumper

Talented little guy can play Guitar Hero guitar AND sing at the same time

Only if he already knows the lyrics though, haha
Happy birthday, Chibisuke!

Well he's not so much of a "shorty" anymore, already standing at 5'0" at 11 years old. This one just might be taller than me (!?!?!)
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Next think I knew, it was already March. It had been raining on and off most of the week.

The pond next to Aspen Village had filled up quite a bit

Played around with my camera a bit

Who ever thought you could make you hand look like this?
Phone on my leg.

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Wednesday (Mar4) was pretty sunny as well. Chilled on the back path with Wilson

Peter, out upstairs neighbor, had just gotten back form class, and decided to join us for a bit. Headed out to the observation deck

OH YEAH, and I got new wheels for my skateboard

Big beefy 59s for the rough roads of the UCD campus. Nice smooth ride, great for cruising :)
That night I met with Benson, Billy, and DKwan to work out our arrangement for the show.
Billy's hella dope at guitar

Billy's caption for Benson: I'm telling you, I'm this long.

Billy: Ah huh...
Before we knew it we were witnessing an outbreak of brutal conflict

Little did I know I wouldn't be safe for long either...

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That Friday, Mar6, it was Davis Motorsports Club's first meet at our new location/sponsor, Mountain Mike's Pizza in southwest Davis. Jim, the manager at Mountain Mikes, was more than happy to provide us with a fundraising opportunity. If you go to Mountain Mikes and mention DMC, we'll get a peice of the profit :)
Plenty of people showed up

Had some interesting shirts on hand...

Someone isn't a very big fan of... Tangerines, Apples, Pears, and Strawberries.
Lots of new faces and membership registrations

Sean, the club's Activities Director, and myself

One and a half Filipinos :P
Everyone was having a good time

The food was hella good too

Our next meet is on Friday March 20 at the same place, so if you like cars, or just wanna hang out, feel free to come on down!
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Almost done...
Tuesday Mar10, I had a oral exam for my Spanish1 class. Teamed up with my buddy, Chris, for this one.

Extremely interesting guy. Straight up political activist. Ask him about 9/11, the secret FEMA camps, or why you should hate Obama, and he'll give you a straight answer with plenty of facts to back it all up. If you want the truth, this is the guy to ask.
Basically we had to sit in front of our Spanish professor, Roberto, and have a 3-5 minute conversation on a topic which he would pick for us. It actually went quite smooth :) That, and Roberto's a cool guy

Later that day I was chillin in the CoHo, facing the sun with my laptop out, and little did I know...

That light could shine through the Apple logo on the back and show up on the screen O_O
Shortly after I headed over to the other side of the MU to watch my buddy Matt Sevrens and his buddy Patrick perform

They did an awesome fully-improvized song with chords F, A, D randomly shouted out by an audience member (me, haha), and an equally-random topic (pizza).

Good stuff, Matt and Patrick :)
That evening it was more rehearsal with TIZ

Kevin + TIZ Model/New friend Jackie :)

Me with Rasikh, who will be serving as our dedicated sound guy this time around

Gabi, who will be playing some violin for the show, and DKwan being cool as usual

Trust me, it'll be like nothing you've ever seen/heard before
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And finally today, Mar11, was Spanish as usual in the morning.
The class contributed to a free-verse Spanish poem about... Ligers.

When you have a lion,
and a beautiful tiger,
they need some sexy-time
The moon and the stars (wtf, hella random)
The lion goes crazy
The tiger goes to the left
And they both go down
Until 2 am
And make a Liger named Robertitito (not pictured)

After class I headed back home to grab some stuff, and headed right back to campus to the SocSci building aka the Death Star for my photoshoot with TIZ

Only a few people know about the shirt I wore, most of them in concept, but here's a hint: theres only one of them, and it matches my shoes:

Benson's buddy, Tony, and Benson himself, after the shoot

So what's the shirt look like? You'll just have to wait and se--woops...
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