Well let's see... about a week and a half ago, I shot what I guess would be considered a commercial for TheImaginaryZebra at Walker Hall...

...under Benson's direction and Billy's filming and editing skills...

Had a bit of a photoshoot as well...
I don't remember my arms being so huge, haha
And here's the final product:
For more info, check out THEIMAGINARYZEBRA.com
Let's see, what else...
Oh yeah, this past Friday, I performed at Dominican University in San Rafael. One of my friends from high school goes there, and was hosting an event, Sneek Peek. I beatboxed, of course :)

I went to a rehearsal a week earlier, and overall, the show went pretty well. It's weird, I come up with some really interesting, intricate beats when it doesn't really matter, but when I do a show, I just seem to forget everything, haha. That aside, the audience enjoyed it, so I'm happy :)
Right after my performance that evening, I drove back up to West Sacramento for DMC's first ever GT Night, one of my first major event ideas that came into fruition. The party started at 8pm, but I didn't get there till about 11:40pm xD
Made good use of my PS3 and steering wheel...

Had a few XBOX360s as well...

We're definitely having another one in the near future. Probably sometime in March? :)
Big ups to Andre for letting us use his place and his huge-ass TVs.
The next day, my roommates, Kevin, Wilson, and I, took a little day trip up to Lake Berryessa. Neither of them had even been up there, and we all figured it'd be a fun little adventure into the wild.
Made several stops along the way

Beautiful day for a trip. Definitely had a lot of fun...

Kevin: Hey guys look... It's like my Pepsi is mah cahk. (Pineapple Express reference)
I figure'd I'd balance out the number of pictures I have of my car with pictures of my car + me

nice shot, Kevin
Put my film SLR to some good use as well... shot maybe 3 rolls of film (75 pictures) for the whole trip

Just a few were of my car, most were of Kevin and Wilson doing stuff, haha
Left the lake at 5:00, and got back at around 6:30, and had dinner at the DC.

Hella fun day.
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