2. Go driving in the unforgiving Philippine traffic at least once. Looks like a lot of fun ;)
3. Go clubbing with some friends
4. Play tennis at the UP Campus tennis courts
5. Buy a set of PDM (Philippine Domestic Market) Converse Chucks
6. Buy an 8GB or larger flashdrive for hella cheap
7. Go post-Christmas shopping at any one of the malls
8. Go to Unisan beach
9. Go to Baguio
10. Maybe buy a new digital camera; the Casio at 2.5 years old is on its way out :(
11. Find a place where I can learn how to surf
12. Hold a full Tagalog conversation
13. Put a TIZ sticker on one of our vans
14. Have a taste of some Philippine apples
15. Spend lots of time with family.
i thought you knew how to drive a stick. Traffic + stick = leg cramps like theres no tm.