First things first: Happy 28th Wedding Anniversary, Mom and Dad :D

Still very much in love after all these years :)
While Riz spent a good part of the day playing basketball with my dad and his new friend, Joseph, when he got back, he eventually retreated back to his usual form of entertainment: videogames.

Same went for Xavi...

He ran his usual rounds on GTA IV.

Meanwhile, we snacked on some caramel popcorn that one of aur aunties brought for us; pretty good stuff.

Later that evening, we went to the house of my mom's best friend from her UPCC days for yet another UPCC reunion. We all got a little dressed up, here's a shot of Riz being a G, haha

And lets not forget to take a nice family picture...

First we headed to the house where my mom grew up, in Project 4, to pay a brief visit to family. Tito Gerry served as our driver as usual. We headed out at about 1700.

Apparently, Lolo Ben had a few renovations done since our last visit. For starters, this wall used to be covered in wood paneling, but now its been resurfaced and painted over. Very nice.

And this stairs used to go straight up, but now its stops in the middle and goes to the left; the room behind the wall you see on the second floor has since doubled in size as a result of the rerouting of the stairs.

A few photos of Lolo Ben and Lola Gely, my grandparents on my mom's side.

And of course, some pictures of my mom (2nd sister)

Auntie Mel (3rd sister)

Auntie "Ate" (pronounced ah-teh) Alice

And last, but certainly not least, Auntie Malou (4th sister)

Another photo of the young Rozzana Verder-Aliga :)

And before we headed out, mom posed for a quick picture with her cousins.

After that, we were off to Tita Dot's place in Ateneo Heights. Tita Dot, like my mom, is a former UPCC member, and on top of that she's an attourney, as well as a reknowned entertainer. She was my mom's best friend back during their days with the Chorus. We arrived at around 1800.

I swear, watching them talk and catch up was like watching two high school girls talk about boys that they think are cute, haha.

She's got a beautiful house. Like a really fucking beautiful house, haha.

Matched by an equally beautiful view of the city below.

Xavi was feeling pretty tired, so he just sat around and chilled.

Riz, on the other hand, was still feeling the effects of jetlag, not to mention he was out and about all day...

Kuya Homs showed up shortly after we arrived

I swear, he's the only person I know who would get on the magic mic Karaoke for no particular reason, haha.
Later on, however, Tita Dot's son, Jon-Jon, showed up. Last time I saw this guy was 7 years ago, when I was 6 and he was 8. I remember playing in his house when we were kids, haha. He was actually going to meet up with some of his high school friends for a mini-reunion, and invited me to come along with him. The guy drives a very nice Lancer EX, might I add :P

That's one thing we've got in common: we're both very much interested in cars, and for me, thats a great thing to have in common :) He told me that Saturday nights are a common night for street racing on the relatively empty freeways; I defeinitely wanna go hit up one of those, haha. On top of that, theres this one street that's full of car part stores, so I definitely wanna hit that area up as well; he offered to take me whenever the both of us are free. Fashoooo :P
We went to a local bar/restaurant, J-Jays, to meet up with his friends, got there at 2230.

A very nice bunch of people.
We all just kinda hung out and talked over a few drinks, this one seemed to be the favorite amond them that evening...

While the drinking age is practically non-existant, me being me, I chose not to drink, of course :P
It turned out that some celebs and models were having their own little private get together on the second floor. Coincidentally, one of Jon-Jon's friends was in on the festivities, and we managed to get a picture with one of them...

Too bad the guy has no idea how to use a digital camera xD
After that, Jon-Jon and I headed out to another restaurant/bar to meet one of his other friends, Raymond.

The guy does martial arts, and earlier that day he had an evaluation, and expected a promotion to follow, but unfortunately that wasn't the case, soo...

...he got a hold of some good-old chemical therapy. It turns out that Raymond is a very well-connected guy, specifically telling me, "If you want anything, I can help you get a hold of it. Girls, clubs, whatever man, I got you." I'm sure that'll come in very useful one of these days :)
By the time we were done there it was already 0300 Sunday, and since Jon-Jon was a little buzzed, I offered to drive us back to his place. Since it was pretty early in the morning, traffic was pretty non-existant, but it was fun nonetheless. His Lancer's pretty quick too :P
Got back, snapped a few photos of my mom and her friends.

...and afterwards, Tita Jai, my mom's old friend from UPCC, and its current director, took us back home to Tierra Pura; walked in the door at 0430 Sunday. Waking up tomorrow is not gonna be fun xD
On another note, my Casio Exilim S600, approaching its 2.5 year mark, is really starting to show its age. At Tita Dot's house, the screen breifly stopped working, showing a blank white screen when turned on; the only way to bring back the picture was squeezing the body together. Though it's still functional as a camera, its becoming a hassle to use. Shoulda gotten a new one before I came here... I'm just hoping it'll last through the rest of the trip.
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