Think about it this way: in the most general sense and on the individual level, what we as autonomous people know as knowledge is nothing more than our own individual interpretation of the world. There are things that we may know and understand about the world that no one else will ever be able to comprehend, given their differing perspective on the world. But what is it that drives the individual's interpretation of the universe?
That, my friends, is their imagination.
Think about it. Many, if not all, of your interpretations of the world are simply just variations and spin-offs of ideas that have stemmed from your own imagination, your own distinct creative juices cruising through the avenues of your mind. Your conscious mind takes a normal, every-day stimulus or experiences, and creates its own idealistic, yet realistic interpretation of it. This is all thanks to our brain's own dynamic ability to interpret and reinterpret old and new information, its ability to imagine the many different variables that could have led you to where you are now, and how affecting certain variables in the present can allow you to manipulate the future in your own ideal image.
Once we have developed all these theories about how the universe is working around us, we pick the one that we think is best, and declare this as our own knowledge.
Knowledge may be power, but imagination is the energy that fuels our ability to obtain knowledge.
"Knowledge may be power, but imagination is the energy that fuels our ability to obtain knowledge."
I'm sure I could streamline that analogy a bit more...