For starters, this past Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, my family came up to Davis to have lunch with me :) The Saturday prior, I picked up my cousin Ryan from his house in Sac and took him to Vacaville so he could go back to Vallejo with my dad, Xavi, and Riz to spend the weekend at the house. On Monday they were taking him back to Sac, but we met up at Applebees for lunch, and I took Ryan back to his place while my family headed back to Vallejo afterwards.
Took a shot of Riz with his OG zeeb head YxB and matching Jordans before we left

A few days earlier I asked my mom if I could get my hands on our old-school Canon Film SLR, and she said yes, since it's just been sitting in it's back for the past few years now, haha. The camera may be old, but the tech is still state-of-the-art, and now it's miiine. It's a Canon EOS Rebel S II

No screen, duh xD

"Nestor, how will you ever know how good your pictures are turning out?" My answer: when you use a film camera, you take more time to really compose the shot; you can't be as snap-happy as you would be with a DSLR. That aside, it'll probably be a while before you start seeing any of the pictures I take with it. My plan is to have pictures digitized and developed in 100-photo batches. I only had 3 rolls of film, so I'll have to get some more soon; already burned through two rolls :P

That aside, this week of classes was pretty standard. Had a midterm for PSC100 (Cognitive Psychology) on Thursday, and for SPA1 (Spanish 1) on Friday, and both went pretty well :)
On Wednesday, I met with DMC President Alex Kang, and we discussed some of the event ideas I had that would help to stimulate member participation and interest in the club, as well as giving the club plenty of things to get involved with. Just doin my job as DMC's event coordinator :)

Wei was coincidentally in the area as well and sat down with us as he ate lunch

...and I tried on Alex's motorcycle helmet

We've got plenty of things coming up for DMC, from the usual bi-weekly meets, to our usual AutoX outings, to our first ever GT Night.
Friday afternoon, it was our bi-weekly DMC meet as usual at RoundTable.

Gotta love a good turnout :) Plus I got to test out the SLR for the first time on people's cars.
Later that evening, it was DMC's Initial D night, which I had announced the prior Wednesday on the DMC forums. A few of us enjoyed ourselves at the MUGA

Alex is a savage at this game

Kai was trying to make use of every advantage he could get

The game's lack of realism really helps to boost your reaction time, given the required extreme cornering techniques
We played some Maximum Tune as well

Kai and Alex battled it out in the motorcycle racing game

After being there for over 3 hours, we decided to call it a night, but Dexter and I headed back to my place for some GranTurismo5 Prologue with the Logitech Driving Force Pro steering wheel.

Took him a while to get used to the throttle sensitivity and steering work, but he'll definitely be ready by the time GT Night swings around. Dexter headed out at around 3am, and Ryan stopped by to hang out a little, and I ended up going to sleep at around 4am.
Saturday, I woke up at 10am, as today was the day for DMC's trip to the Towe Auto Museum in West Sacramento. Had to meet with the rest of the group at RoundTablePizza at 10:45, and we headed out to the museum at around 11:10.
Plenty of historic autos, mostly old Fords and other American cars.
Old-school Bentley

Old-school superchargers, haha

Huge engines with little horsepower and less-than optimal efficiency xD

60hp V8? :(
Here's a neat quote I spotted in one of the glass cases...

That really hit me for some reason when I read it, heh
Ford himself

And cars, cars, cars

I took more pics with the SLR that day too, you'll see those some other time :)
After the museum, we headed back to IN-N-OUT in Davis to have lunch before going back to RoundTable so everyone could get back to their cars.
So yep, there you go.
thats how we do