Later that night we were watching the Nostradamus 2012 show, part of The History Channel's Armageddon Week series. Crazy stuff. The show was talking about how massive change on Earth would ensue on Dec 21, 2012, as that would be the day that the Earth, our solar system's Sun, and the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy would become perfectly aligned. That would mean that the sun would be eclipsing the Earth's reception of energy from the center of the galaxy, which, for all we know, plays a vital role in the presence of life on earth. This cycle happens every 26,000 years, and the last time it happened, Earth plummeted into an ice age, that didn't hit rock bottom until about 18,000 years ago, when temperatures began rising again.
With all this talk of, Earth, our solar system, and the Milky Way galaxy, and how there are plenty of other galaxies out there, i was hit with this crazy idea.
You all remember what I said earlier about "nothing smaller than a quark", right? Well here's something for you to consider: what if we are the tiny little piece of matter in a much larger universe than we are aware of? What if Earth is a sub-quark, our solar system is an atom, and our galaxy is a molecule, and our universe is the material that makes up the chemical compounds that compose a whole other universe? What if Earth is nothing more than a result of the creation of a bunch of scientists in a much bigger, proportionally larger universe? Those scientists are probably thinking the same thing. "Are you kidding me? There's nothing that could possibly be smaller than a quark (which, in their case, would be Earth)! But we all know they're wrong, because we as human beings, and everything else that makes up the earth, are the ridiculously minuscule pieces of matter that help make the Earth what it is. Little do those scientists know that there really is something smaller than a quark, and its just as manipulable as everything else.
Given this theory, you could even go so far as to say that these scientists in this proportionally bigger universe are what we have defined for so long as "God". After all, just like our own scientists in our universe level's world, those scientists are chemists and physicists trying to figure out what the hell makes up everything? What are the qualities of each of these individual atoms, elements in the periodic table? What are they made of? Is there anything that could possibly be smaller than what we know about today? For us, it could be that what we now know as "quarks", those pieces of matter that are smaller than atoms, are really made of of something smaller. We look at quarks, and given our most powerful electron telescopes, it still looks as if we're looking at planet earth with a telescope from the surface of Pluto (hella far away, and it just looks like a little dot). And that's as good as it gets, it just looks like a little dot. But little do we know that there are little organisms living on it, who, just like us, are trying to figure out what the hell could be smaller than that little quark?
Proportional Universes Theory - Summary
Our planet Earth, which we live on, could be the quark-sized piece of matter undergoing the scrutiny of a scientist in a proportionally larger universe (who could also be a tiny organism living on a planet that is the quark-sized entity undergoing the scrutiny of a scientist in a still proportionally larger universe). Have I boggled your mind yet? Good.
Norton hears a who?
ReplyDeletePerfect film for your theory.