1. If you were tagged, write 16 facts, which hopefully no one knows, about yourself.
2. Tag 16 other people, including the one(s) that tagged you.
3. To make things more interesting, make up a rule for the people you tag.
Benson's new rule: Must include some kind of animal sound in one of your facts. (See #2)
My new rule: As you write your entries, IM someone that you really really like, but they don't know it.
1. I'm pretty big on videogames, but I definitely don't play as much as I used to, mostly because of school and whatnot. I'm just glad I know how to set my priorities.

My old desk arrangement. I've rearranged it since then, but the MacBook is still strategically placed in front of the monitor for the PS3 :P
2. I'm in love with my car, my 1992 Toyota Camry, which I often refer to as "babe", "baby", and "sexy"
She started out like this in August of 2007

And now she looks like this.

To be honest I used to think it was the ugliest car I'd ever seen at first; I was in an AE86 phase at the time. It eventually grew on me, and from then on the modding ensued. Planning on maybe going turbo someday ;) The intake already makes her roar like a lion. RRROOOOAAAAARRRRR.
3. I went though an emo phase in high school. Didn't well all? My haircut in May '06:

Would I do it again? Maybe...
4. I used to spike up my hair every day through freshman and most of sophomore year in high school. Back when I used to wake up early enough to have time to spike up my hair, which doesn't happen anymore, heh

When it got too long, I would cut it really short, and start spiking it up again when it got longer.
5. I'm really really really really shy, and it keeps me from doing certain things that I want to do, more often than I'd like. Sure, I've always been a performer with singing and beatboxing and whatnot, but when it comes to meeting new people, especially certain girls, I can get really hung up. My biggest fear is the awkard silence.
6. I tend to over-idealize people, especially girls. When I see a cute girl, I try to think of her in the best way possible, despite knowing absolutely nothing about her. Even though most of the really "hot" girls are really just bitchy, spoiled, and cocky, I even try to look past that and find the sweet, caring inner core, even though it probably doesn't exist. Don't get me wrong, though, I know plenty of really cute girls that are actually very nice people. The one girl who gets to find out how romantic I can be is a very lucky girl.
7. I try to avoid taking uncalculated risks. I inherited this trait from my dad. I over-think and over-analyze just about every situation I get into. I try to image every possible direction that a situation can go given any specific involvement I might have. This definitely contributes to my whole shyness thing; a lot of the time I just conclude that conversations will end in awkward silence. On the other hand, I do have my bouts of straight-up recklessness, usually only in the things that I'm already confident in, for example, driving really really fast ;)
8. I spent most of Fall Quarter 2008 trying to build up the courage to talk to this girl that I had two classes with. I don't know if it was just me, but I would catch her glancing at me every now and then during class, and everytime I saw her elsewhere and she saw me, she'd try to hide her smile and look away. My imagination? I did, however, get around to introducing myself, eventually, and we're pretty much just acquaintances now, which is just fine with me, despite my ridiculously-high expectations for what might happen between us. It will happen when it happens.
9. Talk to me, and I'll talk back. That's how conversations work. I really don't like people who are hard to talk to. I know other people are shy and whatnot, and we all hate to have awkward silences in face-to-face conversations, but what really annoys me is when I talk to people on AIM, and I really want to talk to them. I even make it easy for them to talk back: I ask questions to give them something to respond back, but when I don't get a response, all I can say is, WTF, can't you fucking talk back or what?
10. [removed for your protection. if you read it already, then good for you]
11. I'm a complete sucker for things that get my mind going, especially anything to do with psychology, sociology, and politics. I prefer movies, music, and picture-intensive text the most; I'm not much of a reader, heh.
12. I love to write. It's fun to try and express something as dynamic and infinite as human thought using something as constricting as language. Finding the right words, the right combinations... and when words can't describe it efficiently enough, I use pictures.
13. I love taking pictures of stuff. I guess this is why image-based information appeals to me the most. As many words as I can use to try to express something to you, that's still only my perspective. What better way to show someone something than to just show it to them, right? No words would do this picture of my brother justice, in my opinion:

14. I do my best to keep an open mind, and I'm very much aware of the times when I'm very closed minded. My attempts at keeping an open mind often cause me to lose focus on certain things, and thats not necessarily always a good or bad thing. But I'm always very critical of what I hear, always skeptical of new information. I try to look at the big picture before I start coming to any conclusions.
15. I was in a professional childrens choir, VOENA, from 5th to 12th grade. I started out in melody, and eventually became the leader of the bass and tenor section, as well as the choir's main beatboxer. We specialized in world music, and I've sing in over 21 different languages. This choir took me to China, Mexico, Italy, Greece, Japan, and the White House on several occasions during the Christmas season (I've met President Clinton AND President Bush).
16. Last quarter I was invited by TheImaginayZebra creator/designer Benson Chou to become an officer in the soon-to-be-established Club TIZ (Name still pending). According to him, I just seem to have that drive and passion for the company, his words, not mine, I swear :) I've been told I'll be on somewhat of a board that will approve new designs and whatnot. Here's a neat little concept I came up with. Probably not gonna happen, but we'll see

On top of that, Alex Kang, president of the Davis Motorsports Club, just named me the new Event Coordinator for the club. I've already got plenty of ideas: cruise events, photoshoot events, that kind of stuff. Aside from that, I'm very much open to suggestions, so hit me up.
Tapos na (done).
I tag: Benson C., Xavi A., Ryan H., Travis J., Stacey G., Wilson Z., Ron H., Raiskh J., Nicole C., Genn I., Xander W., Janet A., Olivia H., Alex K., Sean G., Edward Norton (haha)
damn your car was ugly kuya ahha