Dear Casio Exilim,
Over the past two and a half years, you have helped me to capture some of the most valuable, memorable, and important moments and events in my life, from concerts, to racing events, to my relationships, hangouts with friends, and my car. Through all the heavy use and abuse, you lasted me a long time, and the barely noticable feeling of your slim, sleek figure in my pocket will be greatly missed.
Even after the battery latch broke off, you remained faithful. Even after some of your screws on the bottom fell out, you still worked just fine. Even after the lens started making funny clicking noises when I turned you on, your pictures were a but blurry, but nothing that couldn't be overcome with a little manipulation of the lens. Even when your screen stopped working, you refused to give up, until now.
To my Casio Exilim S600, you will always have a place in my life and in my heart.
R.I.P. December 21, 2008

~~Moment of Silence~~
Well, with that aside, let's move on to the good news, shall we?
Today was pretty exciting; one of my mom's friends hooked it up with some tickets into ASAP, the very popular Filipino variety TV show on TFC. I didn't wake up until noon today, which is pretty early, considering that I had a pretty long night yesterday. All of the pictures I took today were either with my phone, or my mom's Kodak digicam, since my primary camera is now out of commision :(
But before we headed out at 1500, Xavi gave himself his usual haircut

Riz shot some hoops with our cousins and his friends

And we had our usual lunch-at-home with Cousin Elaine and Grandma, as well as Uncle Tito, and Cousin Vernon, who came to visit once again.

After that it was off to ABS-CBN studios.

The plan was to meet my mom's friend's friend, who is a backup singer for ASAP, at the nearby Starbucks. While we were there, I figured I'd snag one of my usual favorites: a Venti Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino.

Riz and Xavi couldn't help but join in on the fun

Before heading out to the studio, I snapped a few shots of Riz in his first unofficial TIZ photoshoot

Lookin' good, Chibisuke.
After that it was off to the studio entrance.

On the way over, I spotted some sweet graffiti

I'm a total sucker for sweet graffiti; that last one is my phone's new wallpaper.
Inside my mom snapped a photo of us next to yet another humble (sarcasm) poster for a Filipino organization or politican, in this case ABS-CBN communications.

I also spotted a cellphone recycling bin

After a long wait to get inside the actual studio where the show would be shot, we took our seats in the elevated section towards the back.

Giving us a pretty good view of the stage

Just when we thought things couldn't get any better, to our surprise, Arnel Pineda, Journey's Filipino lead singer, was among the star-studded cast that evening. He sang "Open Arms" as a collaborative with ASAP resident singer/entertainer, Lani, as well as an excerpt of "Don't Stop Believing"

My mom even managed to get a shot of him before he retreated backstage to get ready for the next set of performances.

Just one of the many that make up the pride and joy of Filipinos in the entertainment industry.
At one point during the show, the hosts were positioned right in front of our seciton of the audience for their transition into the next segment. I was more than ready, of course, to rep TIZ on Philippine TV, and for anyone else who might watch TFC.

It'll look a little something like that next Sunday, Dec28 when the show airs on TFC.
The entertainment was great, and the show ended amazingly

On another note, I realized today that the anonymous celebrity I had a blurry picture with last night is actually one of the hosts of this show, haha.
You can catch the airing of this episode of ASAP next Sunday, Dec28 on TFC. Check your local listings for more details.
hahah, good stuff. man, you'r having one hellava break