Sorry I haven't really been updating lately, I've been a little bit under the weather in the past few days, caught some allergies from playing ultimate frisbee with cousins Kuya Vernon, Ate Elaine, and Kuya Paul. There are times when the grass is my enemy :P
Aside from that, Christmas eve and Christmas day were a lot of fun, been spending a lot of time with the family, of course.
To summarize the past few days, on Friday we hit up a few malls, and my brothers and I got ourselves some retro Jordan 1's, hahaha. Saturday, I went with Kuya Jon to his Ninong Frankie's place: he collects and restores old cars, pretty dope :) Sunday morning we convoyed up to Baguio along with Jon's family, the Gancayco's, and we stayed in a supreme court justice cottages (hella dope). Monday, we went sightseeing around Baguio, not to mention hit up SM City Baguio, and hung out with the Gancayco family. Finally this morning, we left Baguio for San Fernando to meet up with Uncle Tito and Auntie Nita at my Dad's cousin's house for lunch. We're actually still here at the moment, and we'll be heading back to Manila later this afternoon. I'll upload all the pictures and do a full write up when we get back to Uncle Tito's.
aww, no pics?